Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Well I never experienced this when I was pregnent with Hannah, but the nesting instincts have kicked in full force. It doesn't help me either that we have so little room that just making space for a little baby is a lot of work. I am trying to be creative in the girls room to create storage and utilize the vertical space so that the floor isn't all taken up, and they have room to play. I have tried to gather up a lot of the smaller toys, like all the Little People characters and art supplies, and put them in baskets up high so they aren't always scattered about.

My project now is to try to get more room in the one small closet that all five of us have to share. I am trying to find over-the-door storage solutions and buy plastic containers to put Hannah's old and future clothes into so they can be stored in the basement. It is a lot of work, and having limited money doesn't help...I think I would have most everything done if I had unlimited funds to just go out and buy everything I wanted this minute. But I must have patience...it isn't as though the baby is going to be born next week, I still have some time.

At this point Kevin and I are focusing our prayers on what our next step is to be in life. Once little Becca is born our family will be complete, and we have just been feeling as though God has something waiting around the corner for us. We have kind of put the thought of house buying to the side for the time being...as much as we would like to have a house and yard of our own and have more room we don't feel today is the day (or that this is the area we will be staying in). But like I said it is all uncertain right now so I just ask for your prayers.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

More on Trip to Texas..

Going to the Ft Worth Zoo with Nana and Poppy...

Visiting Phyllis and Family in Texarkana...

Going to Fossil Rim...

Trip to Texas

I have loads of pictures to post so I'm going to write very little. We had a real nice time, and really none of us were ready to come back home. I appreciate all the hand-me-downs and things that were given to me for the new baby. Hannah loves all her new toys she was given for her birthday. It depends on the money and when the new baby arrives, but I might be coming back to Texas for a week or two after the baby is born with her and Hannah...I'll keep you posted. Here are some highlights of the trip.

Easter Egg Hunt and Hannah's Birthday Party...

Riding Thomas the Train in Grapevine...