Thursday, February 28, 2008

An Unexpected Blessing

I belong to a mom's group website that my friend Phyllis told me about called It is a way to connect with other mothers and throw out questions which many will answer with their own expeiences. I asked the other day the question of beds for the baby and Hannah...I wasn't sure if I should just move Hannah into a twin or toddler bed, or if I should buy another crib. I was undecided because I think it will be hard to keep Hannah in her bed all through the night, and I do know she loves her crib. I have gotten probably 45 responses that support both sides. One lady near Reading, PA told me if I decide to get another crib that we could have hers for free because her youngest has outgrown it. I don't know much about the crib but I'm sure it is nice just based on the fact that she told me she is a stay at home mom and they will be going to Disney World for the next three weeks that they aren't hurting for money. So that will resolve that issue for me for the next year. I'm excited to go get it, and I will post pictures once I do get it but we are going to wait till after her trip and ours to Texas are over.

I was a little concerned about money and having to buy some big things for the new baby, but God does provide even when you aren't expecting Him to. Isn't that good to know.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Hannah Fun

Hannah is such a little character, and it amazes me the things that she will do without fear. This weekend we took her and Josh to the park to go sledding. We got somewhere between 5-7 inches of powdery snow that made great sledding conditions. We have one regular plastic sled and then one that looks like a boogie board. We first let her sled down the hill in the plastic sled with someone holding on to her...I stayed at the bottom of the hill a little nervous for her because it was a pretty good sized hill, but she had a big smile and excited look in her eye that told me she loved it. Next she wanted to go down on the boogie board sled, and I was nervous because she can't go down on that one with anyone else. But Kevin took her up about half way and then told her to hold onto the handles real tight...she did great! She loved it! By the end she was sledding down the entire hill on the boogie board by herself. Kevin loves her adventerous spirit...for me it makes me a little nervous. It confuses me can a girl not be afraid to sled down a big hill by herself but still be afraid of the vacuum cleaner?

It's been a little while since I put on some new pictures. Above is Hannah playing with her doll house wearing mommy's shoes. Below are some pictures of her in her new raincoat and boots bought for her by her Aunt Shawnee.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Such a Cutie Pie

Hannah has really grown her vocabulary in the past few months. Much of which comes from things Kevin and I say often. About a week ago I was putting laundry in a basket and Hannah walks in and says,"Mommy, what doing?" I told her I was putting clothes in the basket to wash, and she starts to pick up some of the dirty clothes and say, "here you go" as she puts them in the basket. She has gotten to be very helpful in picking up.

Another thing she has been saying is, "right back". I tell her that all the time. At the end of the day she and I usually snuggle on the couch with the down comfortor to watch a show for thirty minutes. She has gotten to love pulling the covers over her head and saying, "come on!" and waiting for me to come under so she can talk to me and point out body parts. She said last night,"oh,oh. Where's bear?" so she slid down the couch and said, "right back" as she got out from under the blanket and found her bears and then returned to underneith the blanket with a bear for each of us. She kills me some days at how cute she is. Kevin keeps saying that he wants another girl because he doesn't think a boy can possibly be as cute and fun as she is. I'm glad he loves her so much.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Recent Ultrasound

On Friday I had my ultrasound. I was so anxious to find out the sex, but it seems it was a little too early for her to tell. She said based on the babies measurements I am only 18 weeks, not 19, and that is a little early. She said if she had to guess she would say a girl, but we will check again in two weeks. I am still trying to get my pictures on the blog...the scanner doesn't seem to want to scan to the pc.

I don't know why, but I was so shocked at the idea that we could be having another girl. It just didn't enter my mind, and we hadn't even talked about having a girl. It kind of depressed me a little for the rest of that day. I did talk with Kevin though and he said he kind of goes back and forth on which he would prefer, a boy or a girl. We decided if we had a girl we would name her Rebecca (nothing picked out yet for a middle name). After picking out a name and having a little time to get used to the idea, I don't feel so badly about the idea. It was just so shocking to me...which is stupid knowing the odds of having a girl. So anyway, we'll hopefully find out for sure in two weeks.