Thursday, October 23, 2008


I don' t know why, but it always amazes me the way God works in our lives. In my own it seems that He always leads and blesses out of times of trial and struggle. I think He is really trying to strengthen my trust because I do have a hard time not taking the reigns and trying to solve all life's struggles immediately. In the last few years though life has proposed problems that I cannot seem to resolve on my own, and I am forced to just keep walking in faith that He will get us through. The house we just bought is totally a God thing. I didn't think we'd buy a house until we were done with Kevin's child support and moved out of the area, but the plan changed when his mom decided she wanted to live with us. That got us looking for homes, and we found the home that we just bought which was really a great find compared to the other homes we looked at in this price range. Now the week we shared our rental with his mom was a nightmare for all, and when she left and we were stuck with a home we are supposed to buy but unsure if we could afford and we were to move out of our rental in only a few weeks things were anything but calm. But everything worked out (at the very last minute of course), and the house (though it needs a lot of work) it immediately felt like home to us and we feel really good about being there. So I guess I should try harder to thank God for struggles (frown).

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