Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Here We Are

It is almost November. The weather is colder, some days. My thoughts are moving toward Christmas shopping and Thanksgiving dinner. Kevin is working quite a bit in November so that we can be ready for some upcoming expenses which leaves me with quite a bit of time alone with the kids. I have been reading a bit, a lot actually. I wouldn't be surprised if the librarians knew my name by now...not only for my frequent visits but because of my noisy attempts to keep the girls quiet and to stop running.

The urge to write has been very strong. My nerves and self doubt toward my abilities to undergo this task are daunting, but I really want to do it. No matter if I am the only one to ever read this novel. I am going to set it in the form of fiction, but the idea is based on the time period of when I met Kevin. A story on fears, love, faith and inner strength. I think it will make a good story. I am just at the stage of writing down ideas and working out the flow. I hope I can stay focused and be disciplined to write during the small windows of free time that I have.

The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible. ~Vladimir Nabakov

1 comment:

Alison Treat said...

Are they visible yet? Hope you are finding time to write! xo