Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas Pictures

Last night was a busy night for myself and Hannah. Last year I didn't get our Christmas cards out until after Christmas, and I am determined to get this years out earlier. Thanks to the sweetness of my husband who said I could leave my Christmas tree in the living room this year I was able to get some really cute pictures of Hannah all dressed up for the card. She was very distracted by every little thing and wouldn't stop taking all the candy canes off the tree,
but I finally got a good picture for the Christmas card (though I had to doctor the
background a bit because I couldn't get her to stay in the center of the tree).
Attached are some of the pictures that didn't make the cut.

My morning sickness has gotten much better, and I have been able to stay up past 8:00 recently which is so nice because I can actually get some things done around the house. I have all the Lepori gifts bought and wrapped, and this weekend they will go out in the mail. The rest of the shopping we will have to do this weekend. Still lots to do, but it's all in fun of Christmas!

Speaking of the baby, I told Kevin that if we had another baby he could chose the name...we are really thinking it will be a boy, and he chose the name Archer. I think he is letting me pick the middle name, but it hasn't been decided yet. So unless the Lord surprises us with a girl,
our new (and last) child will be Archer Thomas.

1 comment:

bjcbb's mom said...

well, none of my Christmas cards got out this year.. I am really disappointed to... we made ours this year.. problem was, our envelopes never came in the mail... maybe I will send them out in June with a copy of the letter from them apologizing for their screw-up!

She is just growing like a weed!!