Monday, February 11, 2008

Recent Ultrasound

On Friday I had my ultrasound. I was so anxious to find out the sex, but it seems it was a little too early for her to tell. She said based on the babies measurements I am only 18 weeks, not 19, and that is a little early. She said if she had to guess she would say a girl, but we will check again in two weeks. I am still trying to get my pictures on the blog...the scanner doesn't seem to want to scan to the pc.

I don't know why, but I was so shocked at the idea that we could be having another girl. It just didn't enter my mind, and we hadn't even talked about having a girl. It kind of depressed me a little for the rest of that day. I did talk with Kevin though and he said he kind of goes back and forth on which he would prefer, a boy or a girl. We decided if we had a girl we would name her Rebecca (nothing picked out yet for a middle name). After picking out a name and having a little time to get used to the idea, I don't feel so badly about the idea. It was just so shocking to me...which is stupid knowing the odds of having a girl. So anyway, we'll hopefully find out for sure in two weeks.

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