Friday, February 15, 2008

Such a Cutie Pie

Hannah has really grown her vocabulary in the past few months. Much of which comes from things Kevin and I say often. About a week ago I was putting laundry in a basket and Hannah walks in and says,"Mommy, what doing?" I told her I was putting clothes in the basket to wash, and she starts to pick up some of the dirty clothes and say, "here you go" as she puts them in the basket. She has gotten to be very helpful in picking up.

Another thing she has been saying is, "right back". I tell her that all the time. At the end of the day she and I usually snuggle on the couch with the down comfortor to watch a show for thirty minutes. She has gotten to love pulling the covers over her head and saying, "come on!" and waiting for me to come under so she can talk to me and point out body parts. She said last night,"oh,oh. Where's bear?" so she slid down the couch and said, "right back" as she got out from under the blanket and found her bears and then returned to underneith the blanket with a bear for each of us. She kills me some days at how cute she is. Kevin keeps saying that he wants another girl because he doesn't think a boy can possibly be as cute and fun as she is. I'm glad he loves her so much.

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